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Majoring in theatre is your invitation to explore the limitless realms of creativity, 表达式, 和讲故事. You’ll be empowered to harness your artistic talents, 你是否梦想指挥舞台, 导演作品, 设计迷人的布景和服装, or even applying theatrical skills in diverse industries, 比如市场营销和教育.

获得戏剧学士学位,在一个拥有100%就业率的全面项目中探索你对舞台的热情. 作为PG电子游戏戏剧专业的学生, 您将为戏剧中的多个角色和职业做好准备-从表演到导演到设计. 无论你的个人和职业抱负是什么,都可以通过HSU的戏剧课程来实现.

As one of the leading Theatre degree programs inspired by Christian faith, PG电子游戏提供了独特的机会,将你对戏剧的热爱与你的信仰和价值观结合起来. Our Theatre degree graduates are always in high demand both on and off the stage. 我们专注于像准确沟通这样的技能, 建立良好的职业道德, and adaptability — traits that are desired in every industry, 不仅仅是戏剧.


戏剧是一个非常多样化的职业领域. 这就是为什么我们设计了一个具有多种教育轨道的戏剧课程,为你梦想的职业生涯做好准备. 选择以下曲目:

  • 代理
  • 音乐剧
  • 阶段管理
  • 剧院设计

我们还提供 剧院小 to complement your major with skills in 执行ing, managing, 和设计. If you’re interested in teaching theatre to students from elementary to high school, 你应该探索我们的 戏剧教育.


Why Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre from Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre from Hardin-Simmons?


Regardless of which track you choose for your theatre degree, 您将获得生产的各个方面的经验-从表演到生产到技术设计. Our theatre department produces six to eight shows a year, giving you many opportunities to practice new roles and see which ones are right for you.


班级规模更小, 我们的戏剧课程让您得到我们高技能教师导师的关注和支持. 教师专长于设计、舞蹈/编舞、技术戏剧、导演和表演. 从你的第一天到毕业后, 你将受益于他们的专业知识和帮助,为像你这样的戏剧专业学生找到最有价值的工作.


We take great pride in our theatre degree program graduates and their many successes. 除了100%的就业率, 我们的许多学生在毕业后六个月内就找到了令人满意的戏剧专业工作. Thanks to our diverse curriculum and focus on practical experience, 我们的校友在全国各地的研究生项目和专业组织中需求量很大.


戏剧专业的学生在许多不同的环境中工作:电影、电视、舞台、写作和教育. 我们的许多戏剧课程毕业生都被著名的研究生课程录取,继续他们的戏剧教育. 当你在戏剧专业获得学位时,你所积累的基本技能和知识将转化为表演和导演以外的许多其他职业, 包括管理, 写作, 和设计.

Many jobs for theatre majors also offer excellent job security. 例如,根据美国的报告.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), employment for actors is predicted to grow 32% over the next decade, 是大多数职业领域的三倍多. The BLS also predicts that employment for producers and directors will grow 24%, 增加约16,每年创造1000个新工作岗位.


HSU的戏剧学位课程为您提供了几个令人兴奋的机会,与其他戏剧专业的学生一起环游世界,观看表演,并获得为他人表演的真实经验. 你可以参加的旅行包括:

  • 纽约市: This trip is filled with Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, 研讨会, 以及与专业人士的对话. You’ll also have extra time to explore the city on your own.
  • 苏格兰爱丁堡花两周时间在苏格兰参加国际边缘艺术节——世界上最大的戏剧节. 你会去参观的, 执行, and see as many shows as you can as you travel up and down the Royal Mile.

除了这些每年一次的旅行, you’ll also have campus-wide opportunities for study abroad, 包括在西班牙的暑期I/II课程, 在伦敦的整个春季学期, 和更多的.

“I picked HSU because of the strong Christian community that was all around the school, and the fact that you could be involved in so many things….我参加了戏剧、唱诗班……我是学生团体牧师,我参加了SABERS,我是唱诗班官员…….这是我申请和试镜的为数不多的几所学校之一,它允许你参加这么多的活动…….每个人都超级好, and you get a lot of real-world experience with your major, 他们超级棒,想支持你.”



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  • 2024-2025剧集季

    池塘边的Pops: 9月. 27, 6 p.m.安德森草坪   

    Outdoor musical showcase featuring music and theatre students. 来自百老汇和其他地方的歌曲. 带上野餐篮、毯子或草坪椅! 免费入场. 适合所有年龄.

    闪电窃贼:10月. 10-13日及10月. 17-19; 7:30 p.m. on 10, 11, 12, 17, 18; 2 p.m. on 13, 19; 范埃利斯剧院

    这部改编自里克·赖尔登畅销书的动感音乐剧讲述了少年珀西·杰克逊发现自己是半神的故事.  珀西和他的朋友们踏上了一段史诗般的旅程,寻找宙斯丢失的闪电,阻止众神之间的战争.  舞台指导:博士. Stace盖迪; Music direction:  Dr. 罗伯特·布鲁克斯.  适合所有年龄.

    《PG电子游戏》:11月11日. 14-16,演出6:30开始.m. 每小时,DCS实验室剧院   

    8月, 15 HSU theatre students spent two weeks in Edinburgh at The Fringe, one of the greatest celebrations of art and culture on the planet. 我们被我们所看到的剧院震撼了. So, we bring you a sample of curious, the daring, the new, the outrageous … a mini-Fringe!

    指导:博士. 维多利亚·斯潘格勒和一组学生.  适合所有年龄.

    24小时莎士比亚:11月11日. 23, 7 p.m.范·埃利斯剧院  

    Students present a somewhat abbreviated version of one of Shakespeare’s plays, 24小时内全部准备好. The title will be revealed on Friday at 6:00; that’s when the students begin their rehearsal process.  This 执行ance will be a fundraiser for our HSU Theatre Travel Fund.  适合所有年龄.

    星光盛典:12月. 7, 6:30 p.m.范·埃利斯剧院                             

    范埃利斯舞台将变成一个优雅的晚餐剧院,以独特的表演为主题的餐桌装饰, 一顿美餐, 以及特别的娱乐活动,如声乐表演和音乐剧专业的学生带来的星光盛典. All proceeds from Starlight Extravaganza will benefit our HSU Theatre Travel Fund, 支持我们的学生每隔一年轮流去纽约和苏格兰的爱丁堡.

    Tables of 6 – $350; Tables of 4 – $220; Individual tickets – $65.

    Tickets may be purchased online or by calling the HSU Theatre Box Office: 325-670-1405. 预订必须在12月10日前完成. 下午5点2分.m. 下午6点开门.m.; Dinner served at 6:30 p.m.

    即将公布的标题:2月5日. 6-9 at 7:30 p.m. on 6, 7, 8; 2 p.m. on 9; 范埃利斯剧院

    指导:博士. Stace盖迪. 

    Christian University Theatre Festival, hosted by HSU, March 3-5, 范埃利斯剧院   

    中大戏剧系学生, McMurry, ACU, 卢博克市基督教, 霍华德·佩恩, 玛丽Hardin-Baylor, 和东德克萨斯浸会大学将一起进行为期三天的表演和研讨会. HSU将执行TBD.  向公众开放. The list of shows will be available as we get closer to the festival.

    《PG电子官方免费下载》: 4月10 - 13; 7:30 p.m. on 10, 11, 12; 2 p.m. on 13; 范埃利斯剧院           

    威廉·莎士比亚. This timeless tragedy delves into the corrosive effects of unchecked ambition. The play follows the tragic downfall of 麦克白, at first a brave and honorable general. 当他遇到三个预言他将成为国王的女巫时,他的命运发生了剧烈的转变. 被权力的想法所诱惑, 麦克白, 在他雄心勃勃的妻子麦克白夫人的激励下, succumbs to a series of murderous deeds to secure the throne. 麦克白掌握了权力, 他经历了内疚的心理代价, 偏执, 道德败坏. 指导:博士. 维多利亚斯潘格勒. 最适合12岁及以上观看.

    DirectFest春季' 25:5月2日,3日; 7:30 p.m., 范埃利斯剧院    


  • Audition/Interview Requirements for HSU Department of Theatre BFA/Scholarship Auditions

    FA -表演



    • Perform two age-appropriate, contrasting contemporary monologues
    • 演奏一首古典乐曲
    • (Have a fourth monologue of your choice prepared if so requested)
    • Each monologue should be memorized and 60-90 seconds in length
    • 应征者应该阅读整部剧本,以便理解该角色所处的特定环境
    • A chair will be provided for your audition should it be needed

    *Note: This will also count as a theatre scholarship audition

    BFA -音乐剧


    音乐剧试镜要求 (将提供伴奏):

    • 表演两首对比鲜明的百老汇歌曲(一首是黄金时代的,一首是当代的)——32小节——如果需要,准备第三首歌曲
    • Please bring your sheet music clearly marked for the pianist
    • 表演两段与年龄相适应、对比鲜明的当代独白——背诵,每段60-90秒
    • 在海选结束时, 所有音乐剧申请者将参加舞会,请携带适当的舞蹈服装.

    *Note: This will also count as a theatre scholarship audition


    All applicants interested in applying for a theatre scholarship:

    • 表演一段适合年龄的当代独白
    • 演奏一首古典乐曲
    • (Have a third monologue of your choice prepared if so requested)
    • Each monologue should be memorized and 60-90 seconds in length
    • 应征者应该阅读整部剧本,以便理解该角色所处的特定环境
    • A chair will be provided for your audition should it be needed

    有关这些要求的任何查询,请致电(325)670-1404或与维多利亚·斯潘格勒联系 vspangler@epaymentstrategies.com.

  • 组织


    • 德克萨斯州教育戏剧协会
    • 肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节
    • 国际大学戏剧节
    • Student chapter of the Alpha Psi Omega National Dramatic Fraternity
  • 戏剧学院

    Victoria E Spangler-戏剧副教授 at the College of Fine Arts

    维多利亚斯潘格勒 拥有麦克默里大学戏剧文学学士学位,德克萨斯州戏剧文学硕士学位&M Commerce, and a doctorate in Theatre at Texas Tech. She serves as our Artistic Director University Theatre; Department Head, 戏剧副教授. vspangler@epaymentstrategies.com

    Dr. Stace盖迪

    Dr. Stace盖迪 持有B.A. 德克萨斯州立大学戏剧系硕士.A. 在德克萨斯州立大学获得理论与分析学位,并获得博士学位.D. from Southern Illinois State in Speech Communication and Play写作. 他是戏剧系的助理教授, 教授戏剧导论, 照明, 指导二世, 和试镜. Stace.gaddy@epaymentstrategies.com


    萨曼莎招揽顾客的人 是我们的兼职舞蹈教练吗. She is also Head Coach for the HSU athletics dance team and manages the Spirit Program. 萨曼莎.spieler@epaymentstrategies.com


    特雷Spivey received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre from McMurry University. He is currently serving his fourth year as our Technical Director. 詹姆斯.spivey@epaymentstrategies.com

  • 剧院的校友

    大的毕业生都在各自的领域工作. 从俄勒冈州到佛罗里达州,再到洛杉矶、达拉斯和纽约,我们的戏剧专业毕业生供不应求.   他们是教学、表演、管理和设计. They work at schools, independent theatres, regional theatres, and touring companies. They are being accepted into the country’s top graduate programs. Armed with the skills, training, and experience that they need to succeed, they are soaring.



    作家、作曲家、作词人、演员、 & 残疾人士. 在HSU读书时,Jess写作 《PG电子官方免费下载》 这是一个 2022 Eugene O’Neill National Music Theater Conference semifinalist. 他目前住在纽约皇后区.




    Currently working as a dancer/ 执行er with Carnival Cruise Lines.



    Currently working at the Gyeonggi Future Education Campus in Seoul, Korea as an Artist-in-Residence and Playwright Fellow.







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